Twice every year, just less than a thousand people participate in Ludum Dare. The Ludum Dare 48 hour game jam is a game development competition that tasks its entrants with the development of a game (fitting a theme) in less than 2 days. The LD48 competition is awesome, has a great community, and is a blast to participate in. The feedback from other entrants has really helped me develop my skills, and the entire event has been a greate educational experience. I owe a lot to Ludum Dare.
Strategia was my idea for a puzzle RTS - levels would be simple and have only one possible solution. The goal is that you have to understand how to use the different unit types to distract and flank the enemy. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out so well - I had to take a flight back to Arizona in the middle of the competition, which slowed me down considerably. The music, however, was composed entirely on my Android phone (using the app Caustic) during the flight. The timelapse only covers what I completed once I got back home.
Pressure marks the first time I ever planned my development on a higher level. For Pressure, I really started with a basic human emotion/feeling - the concept of being under pressure. Only then did I brainstorm game design tropes that would bring about such a feeling. The first iteration of Pressure that I submitted was rudimentary, unpolished, and had only 4 levels. However, many who judged the game liked the idea, so I took it, polished it, and added much more content. The final version is playable on Kongregate.
Solaris Prospectus to me is more of an example of what I should not try to do in the future. The game was rushed, had little content, an overly simplistic premise, and no real emotional goal beind it. That said, I used Aviary for the first time - a great tool for creating backround loops for music.